Loyalty & Engagement

ABB Electrification

ABB Premi Plus


Loyalty & Engagement


Incentive Program

ABB Electrification chooses Next Solution for the launch of the new incentive app dedicated to electrical installers and distributors.

The Next Solution has developed a custom App based on ABB’s requirements to engage recipients in an incentive program rich in activities. Additionally, a web platform was developed to allow participation for less digitally-savvy users. The promotional setup was supported by an online strategy through social media and an offline strategy through POP materials, leaflets, and totems.

Next Solution has:

  • designed the App;
  • studied the dynamics and mechanics of the initiative;
  • implemented the back-office to monitor user registration and automatically calculate points;
  • curated the digital rewards catalog;
  • created the initiative’s creative content;
  • provided legal support;
  • managed communication by creating specific DEM and Push notifications;
  • provided Customer Care service.

The App is the key tool to become part of the participants’ daily lives, which is why the incentive program was structured to offer participants a comprehensive touchpoint with News, special goals, periodic contests, and a rich rewards catalog with vouchers from top brands on the market. Furthermore, to engage the target audience more effectively, a concept and storytelling were created specifically, reminiscent of 1980s pixel art video games.

  • developed the back-office that allows for the import of user data and the automatic calculation and distribution of points;
  • managed communication towards the participants;
  • provided Customer Care service.