
Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Mission Structure for Anniversaries of National Interest

The Journey of the Constitution




Celebration / B2C Event


Authorities and citizens, in particular students


Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Mission Structure for Anniversaries of National Interest



The Constitution, the trait that unites us

“The Journey of the Constitution”, recompensed at the Grand Prix Relational Strategies 2018 and awarded first prize by tender procedure to Next as project leader, was the highlight of the programme of initiatives for the celebrations of the 70th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Italian Republic.

The multimedia exhibition designed by Next traced in 12 cities the symbolic path of our democratic identity. To each city was associated one of the 12 Fundamental Principles, around which meetings and debates were promoted.

Historical films, quotations, and audio comments by Benigni instructed us of “that trait that unites us” and the links between the past and present.

The aim of the ‘Journey’ was to offer each visitor the opportunity to come into contact with the original text, to see and understand how the values contained in the Constitution are still relevant today and represent the cornerstones that guide the life of the country. A ‘Journey’ to touch the hearts and minds of many people, especially young people.

In order to strengthen the dissemination of the contents – especially towards the initiative’s core target which was the younger generations – Next conceived and realised a web App. Thus, at the end of the exhibition visitors were able to renew their adherence to the Constitution with a symbolic act: the affixing of their ‘virtual’ signature next to that of the Constituent Fathers. The signed copy was automatically sent to the e-mail address of each signatory.

A symbolic gesture that added a tangible sign and an element of interaction to the visit. The archive of signatures was enriched stage after stage by the signatures of citizens and institutional figures visiting the exhibition, becoming a true ‘participatory archive’ of the ‘Journey of the Constitution’, a universal symbol of identity, acceptance and adhesion.

The travelling exhibition recorded the participation of High State Officials of the Italian Republic, such as President Mattarella and the then Prime Minister Gentiloni, as well as various Mayors and Local Authorities. In total, about 40,000 people attended; an average of over 3,000 visitors for each leg of the tour plus numerous school groups. The resonance in the press was also extensive, with an average of over 200 issues for each city, including online and printed press, press agencies, TV and radio stations.