A podcast to retrace and tell the general audience about the evolution and transformation of our country, through the historical narrative of Piccola Industria (“Small-Scale Industry), the beating heart of the Italian productive system and Lombardy businesses.
A journey from the post-war period to today, through original audio from Istituto Luce, interviews and anecdotes from those who lived through those years: Giovanni Falck, Lodovico Targetti, Franco Nodari, Giovanni Battista Pirelli, Amilcare Pizzi (from historic Arti Grafiche), Luigi Lucchini, Emanuele Dubini, Luigi Einaudi, Paolo Cassina, Michele Perini, Guido Carli, and many others.
The 9 episodes of the podcast are freely inspired by the interviews with some entrepreneurs of Piccola Industria Assolombarda conducted by Antonio Calabrò, Vice President of Assolombarda, with the support of the Center for Business Culture.